Monday, October 26, 2009

The Marathon is This Sunday, People!!

Dimitri and I watched a YouTube clip of someone driving the course last night, and I actually cried little tears of fear!

My fundraising goal has been met and surpassed. I've completed the standard marathon training schedule and run 20 miles without stopping. I've trained for 6 months. I've woken up at the crack of dawn every Saturday to run in the cold, the heat, the rain, and the humidity. But all of those little victories suddenly mean nothing to me. None of it means anything unless I finish all 26.2 miles on Sunday. It's go time.

I'm running hills one last time in Central Park tonight, for peace of mind more than anything else. I find myself wishing I had crammed in more cross training, paid more strict attention to everything I ate the last 6 months, or completed two 20 mile training runs instead of just one. I am semi-panicking. I try to remind myself that I have put the work in. That I'm just stubborn enough to finish. That the crowds will buoy me on when I'm flagging on the last 6 miles. I guess I'll find out soon enough.


  1. don't panic!! (or semi-panic, for that matter). you've worked SO hard, and you're going to do great next weekend! wish danny and i come come watch, but i'll be thinking of you! :)

  2. I'm so proud of you for putting in all this time and effort into your training! I wish I could be there to cheer you on in person, but will be thinking of you Sunday morning. Good luck and again, you're amazing for even taking on this challenge:)

  3. Thank you guys! Just having the jitters here :)
