Monday, June 1, 2009

You can take bad things, and turn them into good things

The battle against becoming cynical and resigned is a daily one. I have been guilty of throwing in the towel - on people, on situations, and on myself, in the past. But sometimes, even the teeniest thing can come along and remind you that you can win, if you just try hard enough and don't get cynical and resigned!

My gym charged me extra fees this month for using a gym that wasn't my "home gym" - I've been using the gym by Central Park basically as a locker room for my Central Park runs after work. I called to complain and instead of waiving the extra fees, they waived my monthly membership charge for July. I thought that was an odd compromise on their part, considering my monthly membership was much more than the little $7.50 fees I'd racked up, but I didn't argue! Tiny battle but it made my afternoon.

Dimitri and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary yesterday (talk about not getting cynical and resigned - I used to think I'd die alone and I ended up with the most amazing person, I am so lucky) with a ride on the Ferris Wheel at Coney Island , dinner out, and a necessary trip to the grocery store where clearly they were celebrating with us as they had a special on Zico coconut water, which is my absolute favorite drink to rehydrate with after a long run. Zico should pay me - I tell EVERYONE to drink this, it is amazing. Really, stuff your gatorade, and get some coconut water. Nature knows best. Also, it reminds me of El Salvador.

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