Thursday, May 21, 2009

Marathon Man

I watched "Marathon Man" for the first time last night (okay I knew it wasn't about running), and maybe it was too hyped and too culturally referenced for me, but I was a little disappointed. I was especially disappointed in Dustin Hoffman's running shoes - geez they looked like they were held together by chewing gum! My brain was screaming, "If you think Laurence Olivier's dental instruments were bad, wait until you're done giving yourself plantar fasciitis by training for a marathon in those shoes!"
Haha. I kid, sort of.
Anyway, my New Balance's are doing me good and I'm running 5 miles tonight, 6 tomorrow, and squeezing 6 in somewhere over my long weekend in TN. Hope you all have a great Memorial Day weekend! I start training with my team officially on May 30th, I hope there are some other "slow and steady wins the race" types to jog alongside me :)


  1. Hey Tina, How did the first official team training go today? I found some new running pants and they will be in the mail to you soon. Hopefully, they match your snazzy NB shoes! Keep going, runner girl!! Love, Mom

  2. Hey Mom - thanks for the running pants! "Team Tina - outfitted by Mom" is my new logo :)
