Friday, May 15, 2009

What I am, is a runner

So, since I started really training with my Fred's Team running schedule last week, I have discovered some pretty interesting things about myself. One, that I can run 5 miles in a row, without stopping, with no problem - several times a week. That might not seem like much to some, but while I've always been active, I've never considered myself to be naturally athletic, based on some pretty embarrassing attempts at sports involving hand-eye coordination, and the fact that I run slowly. I even had a tactless co-worker comment recently when he found out about my marathon, "you don't look like a runner." OUCH.
The fact of the matter is, that was completely ignorant statement. I see girls who look far less athletic than me, passing me in Central Park every time I run there. Running is not an exclusive sport - anyone can do it. Strap on some sneakers and go. You might surprise yourself, like I did. I never challenged myself with a serious althletic feat before, and the more I run, the more I am sure there has been a marathoner lurking inside of me all along.


  1. Dear Tina,
    I always considered you to be naturally athletic and good at sports. I knew you could be a good runner as soon as you wanted to. I remember when you were on the Hunter's Green Country Club swim team and you did not let anybody beat you. So, I've always known that your feisty, competitive spirit just needed to get in touch with your athletic side and I am so happy for you that you are enjoying the marathon training. I can't wait to cheer for you on Nov.1st. I will be the one carrying the big "Tina is my Runner Girl" poster!

  2. Thanks mom! You are right, again :)

  3. Hope your marathon training is going well. Emily and I ran in the Secret Service 5K this weekend. Emily picked up some hardware finishing 3rd in her age group. I should know in June if I have been selected for the NYC Marathon through the lottery.

    Running a marathon is an experience that's difficult to put into words. Being of Czech heritage, I found this quote from Emil Zatopek, Czech runner; winner of four Olympic gold medals:

    "We are different, in essence, from other men. If you want to win something, run 100 meters. If you want to experience something, run a marathon."

    Just keep thinking, “I love to run - It makes me smile - I think I'll run another mile”.

  4. Hey Scott - that's great for Emily, congrats! I love reading new running mantras, they are great to think of when I start to feel worn out on a long run!
