Monday, June 22, 2009

Into Everyone's Life a Little Rain Must Fall

I had a beautiful 9 mile jog on Saturday in the early evening. I was utterly alone in every sense. Dimitri is still in Greece, Aline was on her flight back to Paris, and it was rainy and misty, so there was practically no one in the park. I loved it. I'm a people person, don't get me wrong, and I miss my Dimitri, but it was meditative to be out there, jogging in the misty rain, with nothing but the trees and my thoughts. 9 miles was a big milestone for me as well - longer, by far, than I'd ever jogged before starting this training.

I also thought of a friend of mine who was just diagnosed with cancer and is starting chemotherapy. We'd spoken on Friday, and it seems that they caught it very early, thankfully. But it made me think, what a life-changing event, what an earth-shattering moment, when your doctor says to you "you have cancer." When you have to then turn around and tell your family. There's so much unknown about this disease and what causes it, and so much improvement to be made regarding our current methods of curing it, that it seems as if we are in some sort of dark age. I felt both strong and impotent at the same time, jogging along. I wished I could do more, at the same time I was thrilled at what I was doing.

I may be the only woman on earth who is happy to be turning 30, but I am so pleased. I'm so lucky to have everything I have: my health, my love, my family, and my wonderful friends, travels and experiences to look forward to. Growing old isn't the curse that our culture often treats it as, it's a privilege.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful essay this is, Tina - your writing is excellent, as usual and the sentiment is wonderful. I am always so proud of you! See you in November... Love, Mom
